
A org.uqbar.arena.widgets.Label is a control used to display information.


Label content can be fixed or bindable. To define a static label you should set text property:

// Xtend
new Label(editorPanel).text = "Fahrenheit"

// Java
new Label(editorPanel).setText("Fahrenheit");

Or you can bind a label to a dynamic property of a model

// Xtend
new Label(mainPanel) => [
    value <=> "kilometers"  <- as soon as model changes kilometers property, the label content updates its content

// Java
new Label(mainPanel) //

Remember: to properly configure a label you should define text or value properties. If you define both, value property overrides text property, so it has no sense.

Usually you bind a label against a read-only property (although there's no need to restrict setter methods in the model).

Another properties

  • It inherits the following properties from Control:
    • enabled, visible & background (bindables)
    • height / width (manually configured)
  • And also inherits from Skinnable Control this properties:
    • fontSize, foreground, background
  • You can align a label using alignLeft() -default-, alignCenter() and alignRight() messages


Labels can be also used to show images, binding image property.

See example above: a model has a path property matching an existing image

class ImageExample {
   def getImagePath() {

Label binds its image property using a transformer:

override createContents(Panel mainPanel) {
   new Label(mainPanel) => [
       bindImageToProperty("imagePath", [ imagePath |
           new Image(imagePath)

If using Maven and Eclipse, image should be located in a special source folder defined in pom.xml:


You can see this example for further investigation.