
org.uqbar.arena.widgets.Control is the base class for widgets in Arena.


Defined as abstract, provides the following generic bindings:

  • boolean enabled
  • boolean visible
  • ViewObservable background color

Binding can be done sending

  • a bindXXXToProperty(String nameOfModelProperty) message
  • a bindXXX(ObservableProperty)

whereas XXX is a name of a property in a view.

Arena team is considering another possibilities, still in testing phase.



In this case, the text field named textComment is enabled if model has its property isAvailable set to true. Otherwise the user will not be able to modify the comment field.

Another example, using an ObservableProperty:

textComment.bindEnabled(new ObservableProperty(this.modelObject, "isAvailable"))

In this version we can configure our model object to be different from the default model defined by the view. We just have to use an object that fits Observable annotation.

Another properties

This properties can be manually set:

  • width(int)
  • height(int)

You instantiate a control passing a container or parent.