
Arena is a MVVM UI framework that strongly encourages the separation between model and ui classes, although based on automatic bidirectional bindings and small single-responsability reusable controllers. Through this it clearly shapes the core concepts of object design applied to UI-development.

It also implements a transparent AOP-based mechanism for object-level transactions and observability (object properties).

This makes extremely easy the developer tasks in order to bind UI components with domain, by reducing repeatable domain code such as triggering events or handling transactions.

Arena is being used since 2010 in several argentinean public universities in order to teach the core concepts of object-oriented user interfaces.


August 2017 - New version 3.6.3 released!

3.6.3 version is out! Herecan you see a complete list of issues solved.


Check the usage page for configuration and understanding of the different implementations and flavors of Arena (specially if your are programming in Xtend).


Check our example links links to get familiar with the framework.


Then check documentation to get started with some code examples and a reference guide to the different components and concepts in Arena.


If you want to collaborate with Arena’s development then take a look at this page.

Troubles? Features?

If you find a bug or want a new feature, there is an issue tracker.