
A org.uqbar.arena.widgets.Button allows the user to trigger an action.


Property onClick is mandatory, and you should define also a caption or image property.

Another properties

  • It inherits the following properties from Control:
    • enabled, visible & background (bindables)
    • height / width (manually configured)
  • And also inherits from Skinnable Control this properties:
    • fontSize, foreground, background
  • onClick(Action): Action can be defined by an inline block closure, or instantiating it
  • image(Image)
  • setAsDefault: sets the button as the default action of the view (by pressing the Enter key)
  • disableOnError: when the view gets an exception the button disables itself until the next event


If we have an edition window with an "Ok" button, it is a good practice to set as a default action and disable it if view has an error.

// Xtend
new Button(actionsPanel) => [
      caption = "Ok"
      onClick[ | convert ]
      enabled <=> "canConvert"

// Java
new Button(actions)

TO DO: Add a setImage() example for a button.


A org.uqbar.arena.widgets.Link allows the user to define a link to an action.


Property onClick and caption are mandatory. You can define a caption

  • static (hard-coded)
  • or dynamic using bindCaptionToProperty message


  • enabled, visible & background (bindables)
  • height, width, fontSize, foreground, background (manually configured)


// Xtend
new Link(mainPanel) => [
    caption = "Search"
    onClick [ | modelObject.search ]

// Java
new Link(mainPanel)
    .onClick( () -> this.modelObject.search() );

File Selector

A org.uqbar.arena.widgets.FileSelector allows the user to select a file using a Dialog Window.


Property value is mandatory. When user clicks the button, a dialog is shown


  • title: title of the dialog window
  • caption: the button label
  • path: folder to browse when the dialog is opened
  • extensions: file extensions (optional)


/ Xtend
new FileSelector(actions) => [
    caption = "Open"
    value <=> "documentationFile"

// Java
new FileSelector(actions)

Then you'll bind a path (String) to the documentationFile property of your view model.